Wednesday, February 11, 2009

She's a writer!

Kelsey discovered writing about a month ago. She doesn't care for markers and only takes a crayon if she has to. However, giver her a pen and she goes to town!! Of course, we think she is a little genius and here is a little proof for those not completely convinced. ;)

Okay, here is the teacher in me but check out that near perfect pencil grip. I mean come on, what other 14 month old holds a pen like that?!

I know you are impressed, but wait, there is more!! She is going to be ambidextrous!

Columbus, Ohio

I had a reading conference in Ohio this weekend. So, Rusty and Kelsey came along. It was surprisingly warm in Ohio for this time of the year. They were thawing out from the wintry blast that hit all of us the past few weeks. While I was at the conference Rusty and Kelsey did some exploring in and out of the hotel.

On day one, they checked out the hotel pool. Rusty said the water was a little chilly, but I think they had a good time anyway. Kelsey got to wear her new bathing suit and try out her new float.

Later that day, we went to the Cosi Museum. It was amazing and Kelsey had a great time. There was an entire section for younger children. Kelsey had fun climbing and playing in the water area. They even had little raincoats for the children to wear while they played. It was where we spent most of our time.
Here are a few other pics of different things at the museum.

This was Kelsey's favorite thing to do in the room. We packed an entire suitcase of snacks. I had to empty it because she wanted to SIT on the food. Once it was empty, she proceeded to climb into the suitcase. However, that was not good enough. She wanted all of the food back in the suitcase too!! So, here she is putting the food in the suitcase with her.

Most of you know, Rusty never meets a stranger. If he wasn't showing Kelsey off to some random stranger then he was getting comments about his UK hat. One day he ran into the hotel manager in the lobby and he is originally from Kentucky. So, he told Rusty he'd send some goodies to the room for us. Kelsey liked the goodies he sent us.

And of course, we had to make a stop at Chuck E Cheese on the way home. Kelsey had been so patient with mom and dad as we ate at all of our favorite spots. So, we had to make a special dinner stop for her. The last time we went was on her birthday and she wasn't real excited about most of the rides. But now she is a day shy from being 14 months and SOOO much has changed...she loved the rides. I guess now she is a big girl!

Well, this is probably one of the longest posts. I'm not much on writing. I'm usually just a picture poster. But, I had so many pics and had to explain them all. It was a good trip. The conference was very good this year, Rusty and Kelsey had a great time, and I got in a little bit of shopping. But, I'm glad to be home and in my own bed and back on schedule. It's after midnight and I just put Kelsey to bed. Yea, we've not been on a very good schedule the past few days.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

UK Pictures

Well, today is my 7th snow day in a row and I know we will be out again tomorrow. So that means I have a few minutes to do another blog update. I gave you a little preview of our cheerleader a few days ago. But, here are the pictures we had taken. They are all so cute. I was so glad we got to include Hercules this time.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Winter Storm

Well, I am on the 6th snow day in a row!! So, here is the reason for all the snow days. We received a lot of snow and ICE. So, we are still waiting to thaw out.

This is the view of the front of our house.

This is the back yard.

This is the ice on our trees in the front yard.