Saturday, December 29, 2012

Winter Wonderland

After a huge December snow the clan is headed out to play in the snow.

Here is Kelsey all bundled up so she stays nice and warm. Look at her Minnie Mouse hat...EJ bought that for her a Toyko Disney when she was a baby. She has almost grown into it now. But, it kept her ears nice and warm. 

The fellas are working on working on a snowman while Kelsey is looking for some good arms. 

Wow! Look at our colorful snowman. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012!!

Every year December is a continual flow of presents for Kelsey starting with her birthday and ending with a bang on Christmas day!! This year was no exception...Santa, family and friends didn't let her down. Here is Christmas Eve at Ya-Ya and Grampy's house...

 Later that night we put out reindeer food

Here is Kelsey getting to bed early so Santa can come visit our house. 

Wow! Santa has been to the Willhoite house.

After all of the presents have been opened here is the loot!

Here is round 100 of presents for Kelsey...Christmas with the Willhoite Family!

The Willhoite girls!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Shake, shake, shake your booty!

Another family day at Capital City Dance Studio. Kelsey is doing so well on the bar and working on her gymnastics.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Kelsey is 5!!!

My baby girl turned 5 today! She started off with a special note from Sparkle, her elf, telling her she would celebrate at Chuck E Cheese after dinner. Then, she headed to school for a small celebration with her friends.

Here is Ya-Ya helping the kids put sprinkles on their cupcakes.

Later in the evening Kelsey opened her presents from mommy, daddy, Ya-Ya, and Grampy. She got an Easy-Bake oven, a new party dress, earrings, Barbies...

 Any guesses on who bought this for her? Uh yea, Rusty!

We ate dinner at IHOP and then wrapped up the evening with games at Chuck E Cheese. Here is Kelsey and Chuck!

This year we had Kelsey's party at Gatti-town in Lexington. It was a huge mess. Originally I had her party planned for Gatti-town in Frankfort and a week before her party the owner called to tell me he was going out of business and had to shut down the restaurant that week. So, I was scrambling at the last minute to find a new location for her party. So, I went to the Gatti-town in Lexington and begged for them to give me the same deal they were going to honor in Frankfort and for the next weekend. They were so nice and accommodated us as much as possible. We didn't have the private party I wanted but they found us a party room and honored the flat fee he was going to give us in Frankfort. The Gatt-town in Lexington is much larger and has a TON of games and a full carousel. The kids had a great time and it ended up being perfect for her. Shew, we were so glad it all worked out!! So, here is Kelsey's cake...not my best work but she loved it.

 The Willhoite Brothers