Monday, August 23, 2010

Willhoite Family Pictures

Every year we have family pictures made around the time of Kelsey's Special Day. Here are a few of the pictures we had taken this year.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Kentucky State Fair

We went to the state fair again this year. This time we convinced Ya-Ya, Grampy, and Uncle EJ to go with us. We hit the rides first, had a lunch, and spent some time going through the vendor booths. Kelsey didn't want to ride the rides alone so we took turns riding with her. Here is Kelsey and Ya-Ya on the teacups.

I also added a few short videos...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kelsey's Special Day!!

Kelsey's special day is August 21st. This is the anniversary of her homecoming. On August 21, 2008 she joined our family forever. This year we celebrated by having Mawmaw, Grampy, and Ya-Ya over for dinner. Again, we had some of Kelsey's favorites: ham, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, and vanilla muffins. Yummy!! Thanks Ya-Ya, the food was delicious. Ya-Ya also made Kelsey an airplane was good too.

Here are a few pictures of Kelsey opening her special gifts. It was like a 'mini' birthday. She got dress-up clothes, a scooter, a Dora chair, lots of clothes, a My Little Pony Carnival, and several other odds and ends.

Kelsey now...
Kelsey then...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dance Class

Kelsey has started taking dance class. She will be going on Tuesday evenings for the next few months. So far she really enjoys going and she's already learned so much. She loves to practice her new 'moves' at the house and stomps around in her tap shoes whenever she gets the chance. Here is a picture of her 1st night at dance and a short video of her first class.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Abbey's Birthday

We went to Abbey's birthday party at Gatti's. Kelsey loved hanging out with some older girls.
Here is her favorite ride. Her and Emily flew through the sky in a jet.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kelsey's First Fishing Trip

Daddy and Grampy took Kelsey for her first fishing trip. They went to the Frankfort Salato Center. Kelsey caught her first fish and dad and Grampy were so excited!! Kelsey may just become a pro angler!