Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas Eve, Round 1

Kelsey has been on a gift-opening extravaganza for about 3 weeks. It all started the first of December when she began getting birthday presents in the mail and it hasn't stopped! Our Christmas session started Christmas Eve at Ya-Ya and Grampy's house. We had Christmas dinner and opened gifts. Kelsey had on an adorable Christmas outfit, but opted for her dance outfit and flip flops. Oh well, some battles just aren't worth fighting.

Aunt Jane knows what Kelsey loves, MAKE-UP!!

Round 2: Christmas Morning

Here is Miss Thing posing on her new trampoline before round 2 started!

This is after the hour-long unwrapping session!

Kelsey got a new baby from Gi-Gi. She named her LuLu.

This is an interview with Kelsey and LuLu. They are going to McDonald's and shopping! It's so cute, take the time to watch it.

Round 3, Christmas Afternoon

The Willhoite family joined us Christmas afternoon for round 3, the final session. Here are a few pictures from that gathering.

Kelsey's Mag-neato's were a big hit with all of the kids. They built some pretty neat structures.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Jonathan & Megan's Wedding

My cousin Jonathan was married today at The Henry Clay in Louisville to a beautiful bride, Megan. They had a beautiful wedding and are such a sweet couple. We are very glad to welcome Megan into our family!

Kelsey was worn out after hours of dancing and this is how she ended the evening.

Mother/Son Dance: Jane and Jonathan

A great pic of Megan and Kelsey...too bad my eyes are closed.

I made the groom's cake...a set of dentures. Both Megan and Jonathan are dental students.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Kelsey's First Sleepover

Kelsey had her first sleepover this weekend with her cousins, Abbey & Emily. They had the best time together! We moved the bed in the den since our basement is being redone and a complete disaster. They cuddled up and watched movies and ate popcorn.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Birthday, Part II

Here are Kelsey's presents after her birthday party with her friends. She got lots of good stuff.

Then, she got to open presents from mommy, daddy, Ya-Ya, and Grampy. She got a Dora talking house, clothes, etc.

And to end the night, we headed to Mr. Gatti's and had dinner and played a few games. She loves going to the game room. She beat dad in a game of air hockey.

Kelsey is 3!!

Here is a preview of some of the birthday party pictures. Robin came and took pictures of the kids and Kelsey opening all of the presents. Here are just a few Grampy took. This year we had Kelsey's party at The Movie Tavern. It is a movie theater in Lexington where you can watch a movie and eat dinner or in our case, breakfast. This morning all of Kelsey's friends gathered together for a private showing of Tangled, Disney's latest princess movie about Rapunzel. The kids and adults loved the movie. It was in 3D, but I'm not sure how many of them wore their glasses. All in all, we had 47 people there and enjoyed unlimited pancakes and drinks.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is doing well this holiday season. Christmas cards will be coming soon.

3rd Year Hanbok Pictures

Every year we have Kelsey's picture taken in her new hanbok around her birthday. She loved her hanbok this year and loved smiling for Robin when she was taking her picture.

What a little stinker!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Kelsey's dance studio performed The Nutcracker this weekend. There were 2 performances one at 2:00 and the other at 6:30. Kelsey was a snowflake and danced with Miss Carrie a snowflake princess. She was not much of a dancer on the stage, but did a great job practicing backstage. Here are a few pictures of us hanging out in the dressing room.