Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Card

Here is our Christmas card for this year! I was so excited to find feetie pajamas for Kelsey and I!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Baking with Ya-Ya

Kelsey and Ya-Ya are always making a tasty treat! Here they are making sugar cookies, yum!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kelsey gets her ears pierced!!

Kelsey decided she wanted to get her ears pierced when she turned 4. So, today Ya-Ya and I took Kelsey to the Claire's in the Fayette Mall to get them pierced. We picked out a pretty jeweled flower pair of earrings. She was so brave. They gave her this soft bear to squeeze.
Here they are getting ready to put in her earrings.
Here they are!! Kelsey was so brave and strong. She didn't shed a single tear when they put in her earrings. After they were finished she told Ya-Ya that it really hurt and 1 tiny tear ran down her cheek. She never did really cry, but she sure wanted to. So, Ya-Ya let her get a Brittany Chipmunk from Build-a-Bear. The Chipmunks have a new movie at the theater now and they are being featured in the Build-a-Bear store. So, it was a good day over all!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kelsey's Carnival Birthday Party

This year we transformed the gym at church into a Winter Carnival to celebrate Kelsey's 4th birthday. We had 20 different games or stations for the kids to play. Just to name a few: bouncy, ice fishing, snowman bowling, cupcake decorating, and a cupcake walk. Everyone got an awesome prize at each station and left with a bag full of prizes. We had a lot of fun carnival food for everyone: hot dogs, popcorn, chips, pretzel with cheese, snocones, and cotton candy!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Snow White

Happy Halloween Snow White! As always, we trick or treated around the neighborhood on our golf cart. We don't visit every house or very many houses so it's faster for us to just drive to those that we want to go to. However, this year as we are driving around the block Kelsey says, "Why are all of those people walking? Why aren't they trick or treating on their golf cart?" Oh my! My child doesn't realize most people go trick or treating by walking around the block!! :)

 Kelsey's favorite dance...the sprinkler!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Owen County Homecoming Princess

Kelsey was the Owen County Homecoming Princess this year. She loved being a 'real' princess and getting to ride in the parade. Throwing candy at the crowd was fun and you gave a great wave to your many fans!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Family Pictures

Here are our family pictures this year!! We ended up taking them in Ya-Ya and Grampy's backyard. We wanted to have them taken on a canopy but it wasn't big enough for all of us!! But, we love the way these turned out.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kentucky Down Under

We spent a night in Cave City so we could venture down into the caves, see the kangaroo, and go down the zip line. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Our horseback riding experience was not so much fun for me. I was on a horse that attracted a HUGE horsefly. Needless to say, I screamed a lot and was almost thrown off several different times. In the end, I ended up with a sore rump and being laughed at by Kelsey and Rusty. I will never ride a horse again! :) Here are some normal, non-life threatening pictures.

Here are two videos of us on the ziplines. This was one of our favorite parts of the trip. Kelsey loved the zipline and wanted to go by herself. Of course, that is not possible on the long one. So, she thought we should all go again.