Friday, March 13, 2009


Soooo, it has been a long time since I've updated. There has been alot going on and I wasn't sure I was going to blog about it. But, here it is...we found out in January that dad has colon cancer. We were all pretty shocked, but his diagnosis was pretty promising. He had surgery toward the end of January and they were able to remove all of the cancer. They also removed his gall bladder and over 100 lymph nodes. The gall bladder was removed because the doctor thought it may give him trouble in the future and figured why not take it he did. He removed the lymph nodes because they looked inflammed and he thought the cancer may have spread. However, the cancer had not and all 100 came back negative. So, we were very blessed. Dad went home from the hospital sooner than we'd all hoped and he ended up back in the hospital the next week. This time he stayed a little longer, but left feeling much better. So, dad was in the hospital the 2nd time for mainly an infection. He was able to go home today, but will have some home care and will be back in Lexington next week for more doctor appointments. So this has been our main focus for the last few months.

On a lighter note, Kelsey has turned 15 months and growing like a weed. She is learning so many new things each day and it is so much fun to watch. She has recently discovered she can walk backwards. It is so funny to watch.

We had 1 nice day last week...the only one we've seen since this fall and probably the last for awhile. We actually had snow yesterday!! Anyway, we took advantage of the pretty spring-like weather and took a quick trip to the park. So, here are a few new pics of the babe.

It's official...she is a monkey. She was able to hang from the monkey bars for a long herself!!

I think she is going to be a frisbee golf player. That will make her daddy happy.

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