Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back to Reality

Well, we've been back from vacation for over a week and back to reality...ah...I love vacation! Let's see, mom and dad have moved everything to Frankfort and are pretty much settled. They are still unpacking boxes and getting things organized, but overall pretty cozy. It has been so wonderful having them so close.

Here are a few fun pics since we've been back home. The first two are at mom and dad's house. Mom gave Kelsey the light bright the other day. We were all impressed at her fine motor abilities. She doesn't like the black paper so she just puts the pegs in the holes. Of course, the light has to be on the entire time. But, she sits or lays on the floor for a good 20 minutes at a time just putting pegs in the holes.

Most kids like to lick the beaters about making icing, not Kelsey. She likes to lick them after mashing the potatoes! Yum.
Monday Rusty and I bought Kelsey her 1st set of wheels....a cute green golf cart. I'll get pictures up soon of us riding in it. The pic below is the one we bought. But, we are very excited about our new form of transportation between mom and dad's house and ours. We have already used it several times and Kelsey loves to ride on it.

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