Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny, "EB", was very good to Kelsey this year. She had 3 baskets full of goodies, several presents, a sand turtle and a playhouse! Since Mother Nature called for rain he had to leave all of Kelsey's eggs in the house. We weren't sure he'd visited the house because we couldn't find any eggs or any Easter baskets. But we went downstairs and found he'd left all the goodies there. We were even more surprised to find he'd left some treats outside as well!

Here Kelsey is finding eggs in the basement.

Wow! A new house just for Kelsey. We celebrated with confetti eggs that the Easter Bunny left. Kelsey had fun putting the confetti on daddy's head!

He also left Kelsey a sandbox turtle. She can't wait to have a couple of nice days so she can really play!

1 comment:

David and Christine said...

Oh, my gosh! She is such a pretty girl!!