Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Vacation-Day 5 & 6

Day 5 was spent like this...sleeping and chilling by the pool (in between the torrential downpours of rain).
Day 6 was a little more exciting since we'd had a day of rest. We headed to Downtown Disney for Kelsey's Bippity Boppity Boutique appointment. The boutique is in the World of Disney and we reported at 12:15 for her12:30 appointment. Kelsey chose Cinderella's dress and we were taking to a dressing room for her to change. Here is the pre-make over picture.

Then, her fairy godmother put on her glass slippers and Kelsey was walked through the store as they called, "The princess is coming, make way for the princess!"

She was walked to the front window of The World of Disney. There was a special station up front where she was transformed into a princess. Of course she had an entourage that was impress anyone. Gi-Gi, Uncle Bill, Skylar, Uncle Jim, Ya-Ya, Grampy, Rusty and I were all there to watch her transformation. Plus, she had a photographer capture every moment!
This is a guard that is put up before sprinkling the glitter, or sparkles as Kelsey calls it, in her hair! Kelsey loved this part!
Ta dah! Here is Princess Kelsey!!
We spent the rest of the afternoon shopping and had a yummy lunch at The Rainforest Cafe. Here are a few pictures from outside of the LEGO Imagination Center.

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