Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Paperwork, :(

Uh, paperwork! We are trying to sort through mounds and mounds of paperwork to bring home Kelsey. I am working on my 2nd set of papers because I can't seem to fill them out right the first time. I'm reading the directions they sent with the paperwork but it is as clear as mud. I have to put certain things in certaing places, but they are not the same on each form. It is so confusing. There cannot be anything crossed out or any white-out on the forms. So, each mistake requires you to redo the form.

Then, I called the agency to ask a few questions and realized while I was talking to them that our baby's name was spelled 2 different ways in the forms sent to us. So, we are now waiting to hear back from Korea on the proper spelling. It could be disastrous for us later if we spell it wrong now. So, that is delaying us sending off our paperwork. So, we are waiting, yet again.

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