Saturday, September 27, 2008

Winter Coat

Friday Mom and I went shopping and picked out Kelsey's first winter coat. It is so precious. It is by Corky and Company. We got it at a place called Sugar and Spice in Lansdowne Shoppe. I got an outfit for her here that we had her pictures taken in a few weeks ago. They have adorable clothes. Anyway, here are the pictures.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Keck's Visit

Last week we had Lori, Ainsley, and Xavier visit. We played at the house for a little bit, hit Applebee's for lunch, and saw the animals at the game farm.

Mom and Kelsey

Ainsley, Kelsey, and Xavier

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shower & Shopping

Yesterday we had Kelsey's shower at school. It was a joint shower between mine and Rusty's school. It was AMAZING!! I can't believe the things we received...we feel so blessed. Kelsey is already enjoying her new toys and we can't wait to try out the clothes. Here are a few pictures from the shower.

Today Mom, Aunt Jane, Kelsey and I went SHOPPING!! We had so much fun. We ventured to the Jeffersonville Prime Outlet Shops in Ohio. After 5.5 hours of shopping and the Jimmy full of bags we made our way back home. Kelsey scored several new outfits and I even picked up a few things for me. I didn't get Rusty clothes but I brought him home a few treats from Rocky Mountain Chocolates. He'll enjoy that more anyway.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sleeping with the dogs...

This weekend we traveled to Corbin...our 1st night away from the house. I'm not so sure about traveling...I think I packed up my entire house and I still forgot 2 things. But, we made it down here and have survived the night. We have learned 1 very valuable lesson...Kelsey CAN NOT have anything with sugar past 7 pm. Last night she had 5 very tiny bites of cake with a little icing and she was up until midnight. Last week Rusty gave her a sucker around 8 and she was up until 1 am. So, I'd say late night sugar, even a little, is not good for her...or us.

Yesterday she took a nap in the living room. Hershey was nice enough to share the pillow...

Hercules was not!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

EJ is off to Japan

Today Dad and I got up at 3:30 am to take EJ to the Louisville airport. He was flying into Houston for a layover and then on to Narita, Japan. That is the same airport we flew into before heading to Korea. I know he made it to Houston and has boarded the plane for the next leg of the trip. But, he will not be finished when he arrives in Narita. He must travel, by bus, for another 3 hours to Kofu. He is going to be studying at the University of Yamanshi in Kofu, Japan.

For the first few days he and a friend will visit Tokyo. They have made plans to stay in a hostel...that should be fun?! He is very excited about this year-long journey and has even started a blog...wonder if he was inspired by his big sis? :)

He will not make it home for Christmas or Kelsey's 1st birthday, but he will be home at the end of their 1st semester of school in March. So, I've added a ticker to the blog to count down the days until my little bro comes back to visit us.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Construction 101.....3rd posting today!!

Tonight Rusty and Kelsey put together the new toy box Uncle Bill got for her. She was a natural with the screwdriver. She likes to play in the box more than anything.

Future Teacher?!

Today Kelsey was reading her book, to me!! She was even holding it so I could see the pictures!

Random Pictures

Here are just a few recent pictures I thought I'd post for you blog watchers!! I have another week and a half off and then I'll be back at work. But, we have a busy week planned and Ya-Ya is moving in this weekend. So, I'm sure I'll have plenty more updates in the next week and a half.

Kelsey after a bath

Kelsey sleeping with her doll

And, Kelsey up to no good

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kelsey's 1st trip to Bowling Green

Today we had our 1st post placement meeting with our social worker. We spent an hour with her talking about how Kelsey is adjusting to life in the Willhoite House. It went very well. We will need to find a lawyer soon so that we can start the finalization process.

After our meeting we met my cousins at a place called Hopscotch Playplace. It is a play place for children 6 mths to 6 years. It was really neat and Carter and Kelsey had a great time playing. I wish we had a place like that closer to us. Well, here are a few pictures.

Carter & Kelsey
Brittany, Carter, & Krista are cheering on Kelsey

Once she got the hang of the tunnel, she loved it. Here is a little video of her 1st crawl through the tunnel.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm a pasta girl!

Yesteray we got the food clearance and just about anything goes. She has been doing pretty good. So far we have tried lasagna, hotdogs, and tonight we had shrimp scampi (minus the shrimp) and asparagus. She loved both.
As you can tell, I didn't always feed her. She helped me. The doctor also encouraged us to let her start joining in on the feeding process. So, we did!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

1st Doctor Appointment

Well, the Willhoite family was up early this morning and on the road by 7:20. We had to be at the registration desk by 8:30 for our 9:00 appt. Well, we walked back out to our car at 11:30!! So, we were there a really long time.

It was a pretty good visit. As far as gross motor goes, she is developing great. Her weight, height, etc. was good too. However, she will be much taller than me. As of right now, she is in the 95th percentile for height!! She is 20 lbs. and 29.5". They drew a ton of blood to run every test imaginable and she even got a TB skin test. We have to go back on Friday to have it read.

Here is the not so fun news. She has a double ear infection so she was put on meds for that. Of course, I took some pictures of our 1st doctor visit.

Here I am in my gown.

After the doctor, see my war wounds.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Miss Enviromentalist

Well, Kelsey is in love with the recycling bin. She helps us sort and resort all of our recyclables on a regular basis. She has a million toys and she seems to prefer to play with our trash!!

Tomorrow is our first doctor appointment. It is an overall evaluation and is scheduled to last 1.5 hours!! I hope she is a good girl because that is a long time to be poked at, be still, and relatively quiet. I'll try to update tomorrow and let you know how it goes...say a little prayer for us about 9 a.m.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Louisville Zoo

Today we went to the Louisville Zoo. Kelsey seemed to like what she saw. But, she slept through half of it. It wasn't a perfect sunny day. But, it was nice enough to enjoy the animals. She really liked the tiger and the gorillas.

After we left the zoo we stopped at Mark'sFeed Store for dinner. It was very yummy. Well, Kelsey tried lemons for the first time....she loved them. We also gave her salt and vinegar pringles today. They were also a big hit!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I love my grandparents!!

Grandparents are the best!! It only took a minute for me to have them all wrapped around my little finger. Here I am with them.
Mamaw & Kelsey

Grampy & Kelsey

Ya-Ya & Kelsey

Here are just some other funny pictures.
Dad will do anything to make me laugh and it usually works!! Why on earth would he put my bunny towel on his head?!

Here is my Uncle EJ. I even have him wrapped and that was not an easy task.

And me, again. I love to stick my head over the vents when the a/c is on.