Wednesday, October 29, 2008

4 Generations

Here are the 4 generations...Granny, Mom, Kim, and Kelsey. This was taken after we returned home from the baptism on Sunday.
Here is just another cute picture of Kelsey before the baptism.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Today was Kelsey's baptism. It was a wonderful ceremony and it was nice to have the family all together for the celebration. Here are a few pics.

Kim, Jack, Kelsey, & Rusty

The Willhoite & Howson Family

Rusty, Kim, Kelsey, Robin, & Mike (Kelsey's Godparents)

The Willhoite Family

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin Carving & Play Area

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted. I'm trying to be good...but time just seems to get away from me.

We finally carved our pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. Kelsey was not as interested in the process as we thought she'd be. She wanted to eat the pumpkin seeds and when she realized she couldn't or I wouldn't let her...she lost all interest in the activity. But, we just take a few good pictures before she gave up on us.

We also set up a 'Kelsey-safe' area. Her toys outgrew the living room, so we moved her downstairs in the basement. That made Rusty very happy because there is a TV down there. So, here are a few pictures of her new play area or the space commonly referred to as 'the pen.'

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dale Jarrett Driving School

Today Rusty cashed in his birthday present. He drove 8 laps on the Kentucky Motor Speedway. He averaged 147 mph. Rusty drove the 00 car. His big brother, Willis, drove the 01 car. They each bought the professional pictures and DVD. But, we were there to cheer them on and take a few photos.

Here is Kelsey waiting for daddy to drive.
Rusty getting in the car.
Willis by his car.

The Willhoite Brothers

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Farm

Today we took Kelsey to pick out her 1st pumpkin. She wasn't quite sure about the experience. We took a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch and she found a cute pumpkin that she could pick up. Rusty also found 2 pumpkins!! Then, we rode back. We took time to feed the animals before leaving.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Trick or Treating @ Louisville Zoo

Last night Rusty, Curi, & I took the kids to the Louisville Zoo for some trick or treating. It was a pretty good time. The adventure began when we tried Kelsey's costume on earlier in the day...bad didn't fit. I guess that's what happens when your child is in the 95th percentile for height. So, the mermaid costume was just too short and she didn't have anywhere for her legs to go. So, we found her a ladybug costume at Kmart at the last minute. Ya-Ya was very excited. Then, we headed off to Louisville with a ladybug and 2 Toy Story characters. Here are a few pictures.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dr. Visit

Today we had our follow up visit from our initial evaluation at UK. We have to redo a few immunizations and she got a few more regularly scheduled ones. All in all we left with 4 shots, an extra inch, and another 9 ounces. She is still in the 95th percentile for height and 80th percentile for weight. So, she is very healthy. We go back in 4 weeks for another round of shots...yuck. She did really well though. She was smiling and babbling again before we left the office.

Kelsey has taken a few steps on her own. It's rare, but she'll take one or two here and there. Her balance when standing alone is great. So, we think it's just a matter of time and we'll be running after her!!

We've had a busy month already. We had a visit from Amber and Erica on Sunday. Amber had fun playing with the toys and Kelsey had fun watching her. She is always so intrigued by other children.

We also had visitors today, in addition to our doctor visit. We spent some time with the Blevins' Family. It was fun catching up and watching the kids play.

Tomorrow is the 1st birthday party she has been invited to attend. We are going to the Explorium in Lexington. Then, Curi, Bailey, and Edward are due in Wednesday evening. They will be spending a few days with us before heading back to Georgia. So, this is going to be a busy fall break.

Oh, and...Rusty is going to the Dale Jarrett Driving School on Sunday at the Kentucky Motor Speedway.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Attention Blog Followers

I am back to work and exhausted!!! The 1st 3 days have actually been great. I'm so busy that the day seems to fly by. Monday Kelsey was asleep when I left so it was easy getting up, getting ready, and heading out the door. However, each day she wakes up earlier and earlier. Today I was in a towel when I had to get her out of the bed. Here is the funny store on that. I had a towel wrapped around my head as well and walked into her room to get her out of the crib. I guess she wasn't sure who it was because she dropped back down in the crib and grabbed her bunny. She lay really still for several seconds before rolling back over and staring at me. She wasn't really sure if it was me or someone else because I'd not turned on the lights. I talked to her and she recognized my voice immediately. But, I only did that after I knew there was not a prayer of a chance of her going back to sleep. I thought maybe, just maybe she'd go back to sleep since she didn't know who the weird person with the towel on their head was. No such luck. Thankfully, she sat in her exercauser and played will I got ready.

As far as blog updates go...they will probably be slow coming since I'm swamped. I'm going to try to update on the weekends and if I get time throughout the week, I'll try to throw in an update. But, I just wanted to warn all of the dedicated blog watchers that the postings are going to slow quite a bit.

For those of you that know my brother, EJ, he is doing very well in Japan. He loves it and has already had so many amazing experiences. I wish we could go over and visit. He will be home in March, as indicated in the ticker at the top of the page. Well, it’s already past my new mama bedtime. So, more updates this weekend and I’ll try to include some new pics.