Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day

Kelsey really enjoyed her 1st Thanksgiving dinner. She loved broccoli casserole and cranberry sauce.
She was also a huge fan of Redi Whip.
Here are a few cute pics of the one of them she was running at the camera the same time I was snapping and this is the shot I got.
We also went to Willis and Vanessa's for the Willhoite Thanksgiving. Here is a group pic.
Uncle Brian and Kelsey

Kentucky Horse Park Lights

Well, the family was all feeling a bit under the weather last week. But, we all recovered enough to go to the Kentucky Horse Park to see the Christmas lights. Here are a few cute picture of Rusty and Kelsey.

We also tried to introduce Kelsey to was not successful. It was comical, I guess. The man was trying to get Kelsey to smile but she only screamed. While I'm trying to get Kelsey from Rusty to calm her down, the man decides it's a good time to snap the picture. I guess they wanted our $5. Oh well..great memories. Here's her 1st picture with Santa.

We also had a man draw a caricature of really turned out cute.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Our newest form of entertainment is bubbles. Kelsey got to play with some at story hour last week and loved them. We'd tried her bath bubble maker once before and it scared her so we put it away for awhile. Well, we pulled it back. Now she LOVES it!!

Here is Kelsey rockin' a stylish new outfit with her cow slippers.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Sorry for the long delay in updating the blog. But, things are beginning to get a little hectic around here. I am trying to wrap up my night class as well as get ready for Kelsey's birthday and all of the holiday festivities. We've not really been up to much lately. But, I do have a few new pictures for you.
Kelsey mimicks everything we do. Well, Rusty reads the newspaper everyday and Kelsey decided one day she wanted to read the paper too.

Mom took Kelsey to the library this week for story hour. She was a very good girl and an active participant in all of the activities. At some point, the librarian gave each baby a beach ball. They were all different sizes. Kelsey received a smaller ball and I guess that was not satisfactory enough for her. So, she picks up her ball and carries it over to another little boy. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned down and said, "uhhh." It must have been baby talk for give me your ball dude. The little boy handed her his ball and she gave him the one she had and walked off. She was quite pleased with herself. All we can say is at least she didn't just go over and take it. I can assume one of three things: she either is very polite, a bully, or she is manipulative. Not sure which one but I'm very glad she got the ball she wanted or the little boy may have seen her temper!!

Tonight was the fall festival at school. It was a huge success and Kelsey had a lot of fun. She won herself a cute necklace that she chewed on all evening and she had fun people watching. I think her favorite activity was the dance party. She danced with Elizabeth Vogel and it was too cute. I wish I'd had my camera handy, but I didn't. Instead I took a picture of her rummaging through my things in my room. Of course she loved pulling everything out onto the floor.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Check up

Well, Kelsey had another doctor appointment on Monday. She has picked up another 10 ounces, a new bottom tooth, and she's walking fairly confidently at times. The doctor is pleased with her progress. We did find out Kelsey has doctor anxiety...she knew she was going to get shots the minute they put her on the scale to be weighed. I guess she took us 10 minutes of fighting to get her weight and we were all exhausted after we finished. She had to have 2 shots. The rest of the flu vaccine and polio. She handled them very fever or grumpiness. So, we were all pleased.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

After waiting in line for over an hour Ya-Ya came and rescued Kelsey. So, she missed her 1st potential voting experience. She went home and took a nap. But, since it was so pretty outside we took her to the park later in the afternoon. Here are a few cute pics.

911, what's your emergency?!

Well, Kelsey has officially made her 1st phone call. It just happened to be to 911. We were watching her play with the phone and didn't really think she was calling anyone. Then, the phone started ringing and it was the 911 operator. They were making sure there was not an emergency...oops.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Kelsey had a good time trick or treating at the 5 houses we visited. They would put candy in her bag and then she'd reach in their basket and take a few more. Once we got back home I changed her clothes to get ready for dinner and she held on to two pieces of candy, one in each hand, until we'd just about hit Louisville. She never tried to eat it or open it...she just held on to them. One was a chocolate candy bar and it was a bit mushy by the time I got it away from her. But, she seemed to have a good time and the neighbors loved seeing her again. Here a few pictures.
Kelsey Bug
Goldilocks, Ladybug, & Little Red Riding Hood

We went to The Melting Pot to celebrate my upcoming birthday. Well, Kelsey LOVED the cheese fondue. She'd suck it off the bread and then throw the bread on the floor. She was also a fan of the pototoes. The dinner was WONDERFUL and I especially loved the ying-yang martini. That has become a new favorite! Don't you love the cheese face?!