Friday, November 14, 2008


Sorry for the long delay in updating the blog. But, things are beginning to get a little hectic around here. I am trying to wrap up my night class as well as get ready for Kelsey's birthday and all of the holiday festivities. We've not really been up to much lately. But, I do have a few new pictures for you.
Kelsey mimicks everything we do. Well, Rusty reads the newspaper everyday and Kelsey decided one day she wanted to read the paper too.

Mom took Kelsey to the library this week for story hour. She was a very good girl and an active participant in all of the activities. At some point, the librarian gave each baby a beach ball. They were all different sizes. Kelsey received a smaller ball and I guess that was not satisfactory enough for her. So, she picks up her ball and carries it over to another little boy. She gently placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned down and said, "uhhh." It must have been baby talk for give me your ball dude. The little boy handed her his ball and she gave him the one she had and walked off. She was quite pleased with herself. All we can say is at least she didn't just go over and take it. I can assume one of three things: she either is very polite, a bully, or she is manipulative. Not sure which one but I'm very glad she got the ball she wanted or the little boy may have seen her temper!!

Tonight was the fall festival at school. It was a huge success and Kelsey had a lot of fun. She won herself a cute necklace that she chewed on all evening and she had fun people watching. I think her favorite activity was the dance party. She danced with Elizabeth Vogel and it was too cute. I wish I'd had my camera handy, but I didn't. Instead I took a picture of her rummaging through my things in my room. Of course she loved pulling everything out onto the floor.

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