Monday, July 28, 2008

Digital Scrapbooking

Okay, here is my 1st attempt at digital scrapbooking. It has taken me some time to figure it out, but I think I have the hang of it. These are all of the pictures that we have received of Kelsey thus far.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Medical Update

Friday was a busy day for us. We found out about Kelsey's EP being approved and later that evening we got a new medical update on her. She has gained another 1.5 lbs and picked up an extra .5 inch. So, my baby is eating good!! They also indicated she has 2 bottom teeth. They are keeping a close watch on her language as she is not producing sounds and syllables like she should be at her age. The doctor indicated she needed to have that checked next month. So, I know that will be something we'll have to watch very closely. Hopefully she won't still be there next month...she'll be home with us!

Corbin Shower

I had a great time at my Corbin Shower. It was nice catching up with old friends and meeting some of mom's new co-workers. I got lots of new, fun stuff that Kelsey will LOVE. Charlene and Joy did a great job making me feel very special. Thanks girls!!

Here are the gifts.

Food table and cake.

Hand-made blanket from Lori.

Gift certificate! I get to go shopping, again.

This is her outfit we will bring her home in...isn't it just adorable?

Friday, July 25, 2008

EP!! EP!!

Today Kelsey's emigrant permit (EP) was approved!! Yea, another step closer. Now, Holt Korea will return P3 or Packet 3. Once that has been returned she will have her visa interview scheduled. That is the last step. So, I'm hoping we are about a week away from getting a visa. Then, we'll just be waiting for our travel call!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Update Photo

We received a new, updated picture of Kelsey today!! We were very excited to get a new picture. Her hair has gotten soooo long and is ready for my hairbows! I can't wait.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Diaper Bag

Here is my HenJen Diaper bag. I love it!!! I've actually had it for several weeks, but am finally getting it posted to the blog. I picked up the bag in a little store in Knoxville. It is so cute...not huge, but big enough for me.

Then, mom found a lady on ebay that made a blanket, changing pad, diaper cloths, and bibs. Of course, we had to order several so that she can match!! Rusty decided to register for his own bag at Babies R Us. So, he will not have to carry the 'flower' bag. Initially, he said he'd carry her stuff in a Kroger bag...yeah right. He knows I'd never let him leave the house with her stuff in a Kroger bag!!


I finally broke down and did a little shopping today. I officially bought Kelsey some clothes. I'm still not sure they will fit, but they are all washed and ironed. Now, I just need a few hangers to put them on! :) I started to get worried she was going to come and I wouldn't be know me, I'm such the planner that I started to fret. So, today I went into Lexington and bought a few outfits and some diapers.

As many of you know, we are going to try cloth and g diapers. I'm sure most are not familiar with the g diaper. But, it is an earthy friendly diaper...or as friendly as you can make one. You can check them out at So, I picked up my first starter kit for the diapers and have sense ordered a few g pants in several different colors from their website. I can purchase the liners for the g diapers in Lexington at the Good Food Co-Op.

I also finished off all of the gifts for the foster family and agency workers. Here is a list of gifts that we will be taking. Of course, most will go to the foster family since there are few agency workers we will actually meet with. But, we have several of each gift so we'll probably do a small gift bag for the agency workers and then larger bags for each member of the foster family.

Jim Bean Sauce
Makers Mark Sauce
Mini Louisville Slugger bats
a basket in the shape of kentucky
fused glass necklaces
a Kentucky made pottery vase
horseshoe from a Kentucky race for good luck
some other smaller items
We have also been collecting various items that can be donated to the agency for the travel bags they make up for each couple before they travel with their baby. I think that we are finally getting things together.

Monday, July 14, 2008

EP has been applied for!!!

Okay, we are ever getting closer. We found out today that we were submitted for EP (emigrant permit) approval on 7/7. I am very excited. We are waiting for her visa interview and EP approval. They say it will take about 3-4 weeks for EP. We may really be traveling soon.

Friday, July 11, 2008


Okay, I've been given the run around by the National Visa Center for a week. Some of those people are incompetent and rude. I've been calling trying to get information, which I thought I had been receiving. Uh, no. They were clueless and were giving me information that was over a year old. They gave me an OLD case number, from last year, and they were looking up old paperwork. I FINALLY got someone late this evening that knew what she was talking about. She was very helpful, but very aggrevated with me. I guess she thought I kept giving her the wrong information on purpose. No, I was just giving her the information that had been given to me by her colleagues. Luckily, she knew enough to ask the right questions and get all of it straighten out. She wasn't nice about it, but she was efficient and got the job done. That's all that matters to me.

Anyway, it finally got worked out and I now have the new case number that I need to be able to call Washington DC and find out if my paperwork has indeed reached Korea. Sorry to be a downer in this posting, but I was pretty upset today. I thought they'd lost all of my paperwork and that they didn't know what happened to it. In the end, it all got worked out and we are back on track. Hopefully Kelsey will be home soon.

Monday, July 7, 2008

!!!!!!!I600 Approval!!!!!!!

Yea, we FINALLY got I600 approval today. The crazy thing is it was dated on 6/25/08. So, they held onto it for several days before mailing it out to us. Right now, I am trying to figure out if all of the information was mailed on to the Korean Embassy. I know that some of the information was passed along, but haven't been able to find out if all of the info was sent. At least we are another step closer!!

Update (7/8/08): after calling Washington DC this morning, I found out our files were sent to Korea and we are awaiting P3 documents to be sent to Holt Korea. So, I'm going to call back on Friday and see if the paperwork has been received and if P3 was sent. We are getting very close now.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Well Baby Check Up

We got another medical update yesterday. She is GROWING!! She is now 16.9 lbs and 26.2". Ahh! She is above the 50% for height and 75% for weight.

The update also stated she is able to creep on her arms, she can pick up large objects, she grabs for raisins...isn't that funny. And, she can make 1 syllable sounds and attempts to mimic others. The doctor requested they do exercises to help her sit up. She is still unable to do that, even briefly.

We are still awaiting I600 approval. I really thought we would have received that by now. But, I guess not. :(