Thursday, July 17, 2008


I finally broke down and did a little shopping today. I officially bought Kelsey some clothes. I'm still not sure they will fit, but they are all washed and ironed. Now, I just need a few hangers to put them on! :) I started to get worried she was going to come and I wouldn't be know me, I'm such the planner that I started to fret. So, today I went into Lexington and bought a few outfits and some diapers.

As many of you know, we are going to try cloth and g diapers. I'm sure most are not familiar with the g diaper. But, it is an earthy friendly diaper...or as friendly as you can make one. You can check them out at So, I picked up my first starter kit for the diapers and have sense ordered a few g pants in several different colors from their website. I can purchase the liners for the g diapers in Lexington at the Good Food Co-Op.

I also finished off all of the gifts for the foster family and agency workers. Here is a list of gifts that we will be taking. Of course, most will go to the foster family since there are few agency workers we will actually meet with. But, we have several of each gift so we'll probably do a small gift bag for the agency workers and then larger bags for each member of the foster family.

Jim Bean Sauce
Makers Mark Sauce
Mini Louisville Slugger bats
a basket in the shape of kentucky
fused glass necklaces
a Kentucky made pottery vase
horseshoe from a Kentucky race for good luck
some other smaller items
We have also been collecting various items that can be donated to the agency for the travel bags they make up for each couple before they travel with their baby. I think that we are finally getting things together.

1 comment:

Charley said...

hey girly, I printed Kelsey's picture out for your Mom today at work. She is too cute! YaYa is getting so excited, i cant wait to see Kelsey, we are going to spoil her rotten!