Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1 Year Check-up

Yesterday we went for Kelsey's 1 year check-up. She is doing very well. She has picked up a few more ounces and another inch. She is 31 inches tall and 22.6 lbs. She is above the 95th percentile for height and the 70th percentile for weight.

She also got two shots and did very well with them. We were worried she'd have a fever and be really cranky. Luckily, she has not been. We won't go back to the doctor until March and she'll have more shots then. She has already figured that out and it makes going a little difficult.

Today is a snow day for Rusty and I. We got around 3" of snow. So, we are going to take her out later today and let her play. I picked up a snow suit and boots the other day. So, she's ready for the snow. I'll probably try to post those pics later today or tomorrow. IF we get what they say we will; we may be out again tomorrow!! :)

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