Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kelsey's Birthday Party

Well, Kelsey's 1st birthay party was a success. She loved all the fun, new toys and mommy loved the new clothes. However, she was not real hip on the cake. We started off with dinner and then had her dol ceremony. This is a traditional Korean ceremony where the child chooses 2-3 items off a table that represent different things. The ceremony is mainly done for fun now, but in the past they say the objects a child chooses will determine their future. Well, Kelsey chose a ball, a book, and a pen and in that order. The ball represents athletic ability, the book represents knowledge, and the pen is for writing or historian...traditionally a calligraphy pen is used.

After the ceremony, we had cake and ice cream. Kelsey didn't really like her cake. She stuck her fingers in it a few times. Then, she picked it up and handed it to Rusty. She was not very messy at all and didn't eat but a taste of the frosting. After cake we opened presents. She got tons of fun stuff. She wasn't very interested in the opening of the presents, but she loved what she got after I opened them. So, here are SEVERAL pictures. And think, this is only a small sampling of the multitude of pictures taken, of course. She's like a celebrity!

Kelsey's Dol Table
Candy/Food towers are tradition.

Here she is choosing her ball.

She had to check the book out before deciding to keep it.
It took her a lot longer to choose the 3rd item. I think she was getting tired of going back to the table. But, she finally chose the pen.

Okay dad, get ready because here comes the cake!
Wow, a drum...I hope they bought Ya-Ya ear plugs!

Here's my favorite gift, a ball pit and tunnel.

Here is my Uncle Willis and my new Pororo car. It plays my favorite theme song from my cartoon.

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