Tuesday, August 19, 2008

City Tour and Shopping

This morning we got up early and enjoyed our continental breakfast at the hotel. It was yummy. We had toast, cheese sticks, bagels, eggs, and pineapple ham. Then, we tackled the subway and made our way to Holt. The subway was not a problem...here is mom.

Mom and Rusty both remarked how much they have been stared at on the trip. It's funny to me because I am commonly stared at and now no one even seems to notice me. I just fit right it..until I talk of couse.

Of course, we got lost. We found the old Holt building without any trouble, but couldn't find the new building. We asked several people for directions, but they kept trying to put us on the DMZ tour...but, we found 2 older men that were able to help us. After blowing me kisses, we were on our way.

After arriving at Holt we waited for several other couples to arrive before leaving. Then, we took the subway to the Deoksugung Palace. It was very interesting to hear the history. Here are a few pictures.

We are pretty boring and had lunch at McDonald's. It was packed there, but there is nothing like Micky D fries. Below is a lamp we purchased for Kelsey's room. We're not sure where to put it, but I fell in love with it. The entire lamp is made of paper and the stems bend. The flowers are a light pink color and has tiny white flowers on it. We are having it mailed back to the US because we don't want to have to worry about taking it on the plane. We'll try to update again later.

1 comment:

KrisJ said...

OMG I LOVE that lamp! Wish I was there I would have grabbed one too!! Looks like you guys are having fun and BTW I would be boring there with my food choices too!