Thursday, August 21, 2008


The separation from her foster mother was hard on her. She cried a lot on the way back to the hotel. She actually cried herself to sleep. Once we got back she took a 2 hour nap. Isn't she so sweet when she is sleeping.

Once she woke up, she did very well. So, we were able to have some play time with her. When she smiles, her entire face smiles. It's so cute. We attempted swimming, but she didn't really care for it. I think the water was too cold...even though it was an indoor pool. So, we just played in the room. But, her bathing suit is adorable on her.

We are just about finished with packing so we are all heading to bed. Our flight is at 11 and the van is picking us up at 7. We'll need a few days at home to readjust and get settled in. So, this may be my last post for a few days. It all just depends on how things go....


Susan Barker said...

She's very sweet. I've been praying for your family and I'll pray for traveling mercies for you all. I will add your new family to our prayer list at church. God has certainly blessed you and I'm sooooooooo very happy for you and Rusty. What a lucky baby.

Susie Barker

Susan Barker said...

She's very sweet. I've been praying for your family and I'll pray for traveling mercies for you all. I will add your new family to our prayer list at church. God has certainly blessed you and I'm sooooooooo very happy for you and Rusty. What a lucky baby.

Susie Barker

Susan Barker said...

sorry I sent it twice but I guess I'm really happy;)

Stephanie said...

Kim & Rusty,
She is beautiful you are in our prayers for a safe trip home.
Love you guys,

Charley said...

hey guys! we are all at work and I am showing them all your posts! we are in love with Kesley!! We love you guys, please tell Vick we love you all so much!

She is beautiful!

KrisJ said...

Congrats! Im so happy for you that she is in your arms and you will be heading home! I hope all goes well on the flight and adjustments too!

Shanna Smith said...

Hey Kim and Rusty,
I have been checking in everyday since this last blog for new picts. I know that you've got your hands full though right now - trying to get into the swing of things and all of Kelsey's patterns. Thinking of you right now and hoping that you are making time for sleep. Remember now if any -is the time to really work as a team to get it all done! And if you need anything or had any questions please call me
shanna smith